Dev Retro 2022

Hi guys, I am a newbie compared to all of you guys lol but I am sure getting on the way to the top step by step. Right now, I don't have much experience to share as I just started my web dev journey three months back but I believe that many of us don't share this phase of our journey.

So, what do I mean by that?

See, when we start any new challenge or any new path to learning a skill. We have to go through several phases to become somewhat masters in that field.

In the initial phase, or I believe it is the phase where we have to challenge our beliefs and step onto a new adventure. We see someone else doing things and after watching their achievements we get intimated. This can be anything, starting going to the gym, or watching someone fly a helicopter( lol I know I exaggerated ). But you get my point, here it means seeing someone ahead of us in web development and we haven't even started yet. yes, it can be scary and that is why I wanted to share a part of that journey. To show the struggles and efforts when no one is clapping for us. To show that you can be a newbie at something and still do it anyway because, in the end, all that matters is you are not giving up and doing what you like no matter how hard it is. :)

My Journey

I was a normal dude and after watching some videos about web development I started taking a genuine interest in it. I didnt know where to start and being a perfectionist I always wanted to start with a perfect plan. That is when I learned my first lesson:

You just need to START!

Dont worry you can figure out the rest along the journey. Just watch the first step and when you take that you will see the next step and then next and then next. Eventually , you will start making progress and meet super amazing people along your journey and you are now in the correct direction. A lot better than 0 where you first wanted to know the whole path before starting.

Because of this mentality I just created an account on this site hashnode and posted my first blog post. I just knew that I wanted to share my journey with the world and I just started. Its simple. I wanted to become a web developer and I just started a course on udemy.

First Month

I learned HTML basics in the first week

  • paragraph tag

  • anchor tag

  • headings

  • tables

  • lists

  • image tags

Second week, learned more about semantics in html, build my small html project and learned how to post on github and uploaded it. I also learned about how to create a basic form using html. ( I added bootstrap later to beautify it ).

Edit this text

Edit this text

Third week, I started CSS and I was very excited as learning css immediately gives you the result if you what i mean, you see the changes in your website instantly as you continue to code.

I first learned about basics of CSS

  • colors

  • background property

  • text

  • font size

  • CSS selectors

Then, different selectors, id selectors, etc etc. along with CSS box model ( box properties, borders, units-rems, ems )

In the next weeks, I created a Fancy hover button

Pricing Panel

I next created a responsive pricing panel


I next created an amazing bootstrap project which I have yet to upload here. Will do it in the next blog

Month Three - Javascript

So, after two months , I started js in next month and right now learning the basics of javascript

Future plans

I have planned to build a foundation in javascript in this month and later want to learn React Js.

So that's it guys, overall it was fun and adventurous experience and I am eager to learn other new technologies. Thanks for reading it till the end :)